Dream fighter

gd gd. just received the parcel from HMV.co.jp
it arrived in a really early morning..= =
and i didn't pay for the tax? i found weird
yeaH! it seems that i got planty of stuff to watch this weekend, starting from mihimaru GT live!

PS: This cd case is the type which i really hate... it seems so easy to be damaged the CD or the CD hooks on the case...=

Thx for Mika's information.
Congratulation for Perfume! NO.1 in Music Chart in Japan again!

3 Response to "Dream fighter"

  1. On Nov. 20th, Dream fighter entered J-POP daily music charts at No.1 in Japan! Congratulations~!!

    Kai.S.J says:

    WOW, perfume again, comes the first in music chart!

    Neostar says:

    Awesome my favorite girl group Perfume at No. 1

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