Screwattack just announced their exclusive fan movie "MEGA MAN". Before I watched the movie, i thought it is actually a joke while i was watching the trailer. However there is actually a real movie coming today.
Plot: In the year 20XX, Dr. Thomas Light, a Nobel Prize winning professor in the field of Robotics, creates a series of 6 revolutionary robots entitled the "Robot Master Series DRN" in an effort to use robotics as a mean to better mankind. As a personal project, Dr. Light creates 2 androids named Roll (a female) and Rock (a male) who are made to be as human as possible from appearance to behavior. Rock and Roll are, however, also created due to Light's goal to have the children he was never able to have. Meanwhile, after the creation of the series gains Light his Nobel Prize in Physics and notoriety, his partner and colleague, Dr. Albert Wily, grows enraged and jealous of Light's success. Secretly, a man who wants control and power. Dr. Wily decides to reprogram and steal the robot master series to do his bidding so he can wreak havoc and gain control of the city. As Wily begins to steal more of Light's creations, it becomes clear to him he has the resources to systemically gain more and more control in an effort to reach his ultimate goal: total world domination. With a strong sense of duty and regard for humanity, Rock volunteers to receive a battle upgrade in an effort to battle Wily's forces, thus donning the name "Megaman". The battle for humanity is now between Megaman and all the bots at Wily's disposal.
Written and Directed by Eddie Lebron. For more info on the director,
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Watch the Movie Here: Screwattack
The following content may spoil this movie
Easy understanding, follows the original game, and adding some original thoughts from the director. and Blues from Mega Man 3 appeared in this movie as well.
Special effect:
This is a low budget fan made movie. so the special effect is not that astonishing. As a fan made movie, I think it is already beyond the average of similar ones.
Actors and actress performance are all right. Roll tired to act very cute in some scenes.
However, electric man is a bit… exaggerating.
My favorite character here is Dr. Wily, ummmmm, perhaps I am the same kind person as him? uh..evil scientist wanna be.
All the battle scenes seem quite short, and look cheap. Rock defeated every single robot masters within 3mins. Even in the final boss, Blues just suddenly came out ,and beat the final boss with his mega gun in one shot.
I know they have already put a lot efforts on this movie. but could they just put a bit more fighting?
Background musics are well used , It doesn't make me fell weird. sometime some fan made movie always suddenly stops the music when the scene is changed. In nearly the end of movie, Dr. Wily's theme music from the game was remixed and used.
PS: I like the ending song.
Others: I don't understand why that story is happening in 20xx, Dr. Wily still uses a old out of-date laptop.. and he use this to program all this robot masters? while Dr. Light uses a Mac pro…sigh.. sorry Dr. Wily
Over all, it is a movie made by fan, viewed by fan. Appreciating their work and don't complain about it too much.
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