Dogs, Cats eating? Do I care?
Recently, I was watching some news, but ended up in the weird part of Youtube again. So, let's talk about what I thinks on meat consuming.
Plenty of videos concerning dogs and cats (mainly dogs) which are consumed in some part of China were uploaded onto Youtube, and the so-called animal lovers started yelling and trying so hard to reasoning people.
To dog lovers: if you don't eat dogs, please don't interfere other people who think dogs are meat. Not everyone loves dogs nor cats, and they are not friends of everyone. I still have a friend who got bitten by dog and scared of dogs.
To the western 'civilized' country people who don't know the facts: You people think dogs are smart and friendly, but do you know the facts that a pig have much higher intelligence than a dog. Pigs don't attack people for no reason either. Are pigs cute? Yes, they are? Why do you still eat pork? Because it tastes good? However, Hindus don't eat pork and they think porks are dirty. What happen if they see you cooking a bacon? Nothing, they don't nag at you! Hindus don't eat cows either, because cows are holy for them. Surprisingly, I've never heard a Hindu going crazy at white people holding a Big mac. On the other hand American don't eat dogs, because dogs are considered as pets, but white people will get so mad if they see dog meat in a chinese restaurant.
There are another video about Chinese speed cooking contest. Western people were like.. 'oh, how cruel it is!' I bet you've never killed an chicken nor a fish! Twisting bodies of a snake or fish was just due to the autonomic nerves system. It was totally a proper way to kill the animals. it was fast and efficient and it didn't cause further suffering.
I want to ask a question to you? Have you ever eat a raw oyster? It was still alive just before you chewing on it, How cruel you are! I know slaughtering is cruel, but you've just never seen in front of you.
The bottom line is: Respect other cultures! We don't eat dogs in your country and stop yelling to Chinese and telling them how to cook or what to cook in China
I respect Muslims and vegetarians as they respect to living animal. I don't eat dog nor cats, but I won't stop people eating them, if only they are sacrificed ethically.
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