i found that my CDs DVDs,and Manga books were flooding everywhere in my room... 

therefore i ordered three CD/book shelves from IKEA, as well known, all the furniture from IKEA has to be combined by ourself........T_T
i am reallie a DIY idiot. it takes me about 4 hours to put all the pieces together..and now my fingers are still so pain. 

unpacked the 1st one, 

finish, time usage : 1 and half hours

unpacked the 2nd one


finish all!!

ah... i need vacuum  the floor now!!...

1 Response to "CD SHELVES DIY^^"

  1. Jamie says:

    不过 花了几乎一下午的时间啊...
    不过 真的很不错~ 白的~~

    PS: 你的午饭真的很将就啊...

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