umm... i get quite a lot progresses today. Not bad. i can remember all the steps in the first 90 seconds of the song.
and my father finally came back home tonight ... he gave my study room a sweep-up straight after he was back....
and under his help, i have organised all my books and CDs on the new CD shelves. they still seem not big enough. my father thought i need 2 more of them. umm... i think i should get more as soon as possbile.. there are still many manga books stored in the store room.
I'm Judith, I am of Barcelona (Spain) and I like very much the manga and anime. I really your blog is very curious, although only cannot understand the party in English... I have a large amount of comics, zero that approximately 200...
I like "mangas" as Nana, the lover Dragon (located in Shanghai), Naruto, Vampire Knight...
Although not if the know...
On the other hand I wanted to know many people around the world. And I Would much talking to you.
My email is "Zaal@3xl.net", and my hotmail is Reira_1988@hotmail.com.
Thanks and a kiss very strong!!
P.D:I am sorry if my English is not very good!!