Capsule-flash back-下载download

capsule去年底的一张专辑 flash back。继续capsule上次sugarless GiRL的风格,大气。

其中的eternity, you are the reason和flash back强烈推荐!

English ver.

capsule's new album 'flash back' which was released in the end of 2007(2007,12,5) is the tenth album from capsule. it is really listenable as well as SUGARLESS GiRL. I don't quite know how to comment on musics, so i normally use 'very good','good' 'normal','dislike' to comment on it..=.=....

aaaand.. this album is very good! XD. all the songs are really fantastic and awesome!
if you like techno and electronic music, don't miss it!
and i recommend 'flash back','eternity' and' you are the reason' ,these three songs to you!

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