today i went to some place to buy the original japanese cd! and i found lots of baby cruising love CD there! since BCL is the first song i had ever listened to perfume, and this is the song which made me addicted to perfume, therefore i decided to collect them all!

there are supposed be 8 cds. but  they couldn't send me immediately. so i am still waiting for them.

top 5 CDs are sample promotion CDs and bottom left is First Press limited, and the other one is normal edition. 

i also bought these CDs there.

very unfortunately, very few people know capsule, so i couldn't find any capsule's CD...

3 Response to "CD!"

  1. Jamie says:


    lamah. says:

    oh my gawwssh!

    I envy you so much !D:
    So much CDS ! Richh person! haha .
    I only buy Dramas and Movies haha .

    Kai.S.J says:

    aah,.... that CDs are not that expensive. but really hard to get.
    i wish i could come back china a little bit earlier..
    because there were much more perfume's CD on sale in july.. but most of them were sent back to the wholesaler. perfume is not that popular in China.
    i haven't bought any CD after Ester, that's why i bought some many in one time.

    btw: i really like your blog. how do you make it so fantastic?

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